Thesis Writers

What are Parametric Tests? A critical perspective

Posted by on Apr 27, 2018 in Thesis Writers | 0 comments

As as researcher you must have felt perplexed whether to use a parametric test or a non parametric test, at some point of time at least. If there is still any doubt in that context, then this surely is a good read that you must take up. It will give you some good insight into what exactly are parametric tests from a critical perspective. Parametric tests are nothing different from conventional statistical procedures. This is so because in each of the parametric tests, you got to apply statistics so as to get some estimation about the parameter of the population. The fundamental requirements for a parametric test to be applied are: Need a sample and a sampling distribution A universe from which the sample has been drawn Some parametric assumptions about the population The biggest and the most important benefit of using parametric tests that make it the most popular test to be used by researchers is that it does not require a great amount of data that has to be converted into some order or ranks for the purpose of applying tests. This benefit further makes them very easy to not just administer but also calculate. Also there are a lot of softwares available for calculating parametric tests, which makes the task all the more simpler. The output of the parametric tests can be quite reliable because they the results that generalise the information about the population state them in terms of confidence intervals, thus adding to their reliability. However, it is not all good about parametric tests. They have their own disadvantages and need to be used very carefully. They aren’t applicable and lose their validity when we try to apply them on smaller data sets. In addition to that, the prerequisites from the population are quite stringent. Other than the data set being big, the variances in the population should be of similar kinds and the measurement of the variables that are being studied should have been measured at the same scale of intervals. The most typical feature of the parametric tests is that it only works on continuous data and the results do get distorted because of the outliers present in the data. The strength of the non parametric tests is much greater here because they can also handle ordinal data, rank data and it stays unaffected by the impact of the outliers. However, the non parametric tests have their own set of requirements and assumptions that must be checked well in advance before applying...

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Get The Right Guidance and Support for Thesis Writing?

Posted by on Aug 22, 2017 in Academic Writing, Thesis Writers | 0 comments

People who are into academics often opt for a PhD degree in order to make progress in their careers. Writing a thesis is essential in order to gain a PhD degree. Often, scholars are faced with a lot of issues because of the complex structure. If you have been faced with such a situation, then hiring the services of a professional thesis writing services provider can prove to be very useful. Here are some of the advantages of hiring the services of a company which offers high-quality thesis writing services:- A good dissertation writing services provider will have highly skilled writers A dissertation writing services provider which has been around for some time has a team of highly knowledgeable and skilled writers. This will prove to be a major benefit for you in case you are facing issues while writing your dissertation. A more experienced and skilled professional will be writing the paper on your behalf. The organizations which have a good reputation have their own team of writers who are highly skilled in their own disciplines. A company with a good reputation will offer a guarantee Any dissertation writing services provider will offer you with a guarantee for the work which you assign to them. If you ask the company with the right set of questions, then you will be able to select a good agency. All companies which have a good market reputation will offer a money back guarantee in case they don’t meet the quality or deadline. Good dissertation writing services providers create their reputation by offering high quality customer service. Therefore, they will try their level best to match your expected standards. On the other hand, if they are a run off the mill company, then they won’t be bothered whether you are satisfied or not. All that they will do is to take your money and leave. You will come across favorable online reviews Good companies will have many customer reviews which are available on the internet. Customer reviews are one of the best means of free promotion which every company prefers. They give a clear picture of the past experiences of customers. Through them you also get to know the way in which a company addresses the concerns of its clients. Go through a few of them so that you have a clear idea about the quality of their...

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Salient Features of a Good Thesis

Posted by on Jul 24, 2014 in Thesis Writers | 0 comments

A well-structured thesis would have a strong foundation, research design, argumentative capacity, writing style, and presentation. In fact, it imparts knowledge and identifies its place in the field concerned. Also, it points out the loopholes in the existing piece of literature and identifies the importance of this research to address the same. The introduction section should be able to give an idea about the aims, objectives, and scope of the study conducted. A good research design would be able to address the research problem that has been spotted in the foundation section. The methodology used should be explained clearly in order to repeat the study. If an unconventional or new methodology is used, it requires proper justification to convince that you possess enough knowledge to carry out the same. The results should have a defensive nature and should identify any possible distortion or bias in the data. The argumentative section of a standard thesis would be focused and well-structured, and connects different sections of the same. Also, research from different sources would be incorporated in this section. Furthermore, the different aspects need to be balanced in this section and the results of the study conducted should relate to the already existing literature as well. The discussions should be convincing in order to understand each point clearly and to reach a good conclusion. The conclusion would have links to the data as well as evidence, and would not be biased. A thesis of good quality would address the problem in question even if the results differ. To capture the interest of the reader, a thesis should be well-written, focused, and elegant, and would be sticking to the topic and follow the correct word limit. It would also be logically structured and engage the reader by leading them effortlessly from one point to the other. Each paragraph should contain the topic sentence and every sentence should provide a backing for the same. Another important aspect of a good thesis is the presentation. It should be of good standard with due attention to spelling, punctuation, and grammar. The referencing used should stick on to the recognized system. To summarize, a properly written thesis would have the features discussed...

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Overcoming writer’s block while writing your dissertation

Posted by on Feb 17, 2014 in Thesis Writers | 0 comments

Many students get overwhelmed with the idea of writing an entire dissertation by themselves. Since a dissertation is a crucial aspect of your degree, one must ensure that it sails through without many difficulties and gives you all the rewards you deserve. While choosing a particular topic, you may not realise the upcoming pitfalls or the writer’s block of finding further relevant information and writing after a certain number of words. At such times, seeking professional assistance will help you immensely to complete your dissertation without any roadblocks. You can choose from highly-qualified writers to assist you in your dissertation writing process and successfully complete your dissertation within the given time. Good...

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Completing A PhD Thesis On Time

Posted by on Dec 30, 2013 in Thesis Writers | 0 comments

Completing a PhD thesis on time can be an intimidating task, considering the hard work required while researching and writing. However, it can be achieved easily by beating the stress and taking time out. Researching and writing for long hours need relaxing the mind and body. Spending quality time with friends or family members and picking up interesting hobbies can lead to writing without any stress and doing a PhD thesis on time. Setting a time limit for completing the lab experiments and adhering to it leads to better planning and writing before the final submission dates. Doing all the research on time before the lab is no more accessible goes on to deliver the best shot at writing. Under these circumstances, writing is simple as it is dependent on the knowledge of the mind rather than the provisions. This helps in writing fast and prolifically. Writing a thesis for PhD at home and not anywhere else is a very good idea to compelete it on time. This helps in being more attentive. Shutting down the TV connection and music systems to avoid disturbances is a must. Sitting at a comfortable place that soothens the nerves and is nature friendly adds to the pleasure of writing and aids creativity. It is also important to write atleast 500 words per day to not get...

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Important Considerations to Develop a Strong Thesis

Posted by on Aug 14, 2013 in Thesis Writers | 0 comments

A strong thesis is developed to let your readers understand about the ideas your research would argue on or demonstrate. Your thesis is an introduction to that argument that requires to be proved. It does not need to state a fact that is already accepted or summarize your topic. Your thesis should be contestable. In addition, it should answer the questions with which you start your research. There needs to be a focus of your thesis and that should be well maintained within a context. This focus lets your readers set certain expectations from your paper. There needs to be a particular aspect on which your paper presents its arguments. Another important quality of your thesis is that it should be identifiable when you write the introduction. Sometimes, it can simply be described within a sentence and is easy to be identified by the readers. At other times, you have to weave a few sentences to write a crisp theme for your paper that can be separately identified from the rest of the introduction. While creating the first draft of your thesis, try developing a working hypothesis first. Then, look at your observations and analyses to check if they are all significant to be presented against this hypothesis. See whether your arguments let your readers know about something unexpected or novel. Put yourself in your readers’ shoes and try to know if they would be interested in the arguments that you present in your paper. Once you are ready with a draft, be ready to review it. Check if the main components of your study are included in your thesis. Also, look at the ideas if they are related well to each other. You should see that your paper should be organized properly and the text connects to present the significant aspects of your research. The different paragraphs should be focused only on the theme of your paper. In addition, make sure that the entire thesis is grammatically correct and has no other language errors. If you take help from a professional thesis writing service like, then their trained writers would make your thesis totally error-free. Whether you are doing a research in the humanities area or in science, there is hardly any PhD-level subject that these service providers cannot handle. In addition, you get high-quality writing services that are compliant to all types of writing and style guidelines your university may ask you to follow while preparing your...

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